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Friday, 20 May 2011

Enjoy the Silents

Or "Silent Night (Unholy Night)" to give it an alternative title.

I've hit a dry patch lately - despite all the generous help and donations from friends and peers, I've just been struggling to put anything with half a melody together. It happens. Fortunately, a couple of Youtube views reminded me of a wonderful batch of Morcheeba acapellas I have via The Reborn Identity. One night later and I unfortunately have 5 options for the same vocal. Life can be funny that way.

So, what's a guy to do? Put a question out on Facebook. I liked the answer, but whilst my head said go with the balearic chill (don't worry voters - it WILL appear at some point in the next month, I'm sure), my heart said sparse piano with the first clever title I've come up with in maybe 2 years or more.

So here it is - a nightmare ride through survival horror classic gaming, with a last minute addition of a brilliant d'n'b remix of one of the all time classic dubstep tunes (and lord knows, I've been itching to complete a d'n'b mash for some time now). When the siren's time to hide.

Enjoy The Silents

Akira Yamaoka - Theme of Laura (reprise) [from console game Silent Hill 2]
Morcheeba - Enjoy the Ride
Benga and Coki - Night (Breakage and Shy FX - Digital Soundboy Mix)
various samples from Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill: The Movie

Pyramid Head owes me a beer....

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Hang Me Out To Die (video)

I'm still struggling to finish a tune at the moment folks (Masher's Block is rife), so to keep you ticking over in the meantime, here's another video, for an old personal fave of mine - the wistfully nostalgic "Hang Me Out To Die"

Hang Me Out To Die

Kasabian - British Legion
Cold War Kids - Hang Me Up To Dry

Audio available from

Or elsewhere on the blog (Dec 09 as I recall)

Enjoy the happier times in life!