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Thursday, 30 June 2011

More Than A Boy

I hate leaving things unfinished. This one began life some months back (end of last year? I can't remember now), but with only a DIY pella doing the rounds, I feared it would never see daylight.

Roll forwards several months... Beyonce delivers an AMAZING performance at this year's Glastonbury, and I around the same time, receive a little help from my friends (namely, The Reborn Identity) in supplying a vastly improved DIY.

That Holy Grail of the masher...a studio pella for the Beyonce track....still eludes us all, but hopefully this will keep you going for a while.

More Than A Boy

Beyonce - If I Were A Boy
Extreme - More Than Words

Coming next...more typical Colatron fare...

Friday, 24 June 2011

Love In The Asylum

No, not the band, nor the Dylan Thomas poem. No - this is inspired by a) seeing Kasabian in concert the other week and b) fortuitously finding a BUNCH of Kasabian instrumentals :)

Love In The Asylum

Kasabian - West Ryder Silver Bullet
Florence and the Machine - You've Got the Love

Plenty more to come in the next couple of weeks - keep 'em peeled Cola-fans!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Summer Booty 2011

It's that time of year again when the Sun is high and the tunes chilled out - compilation maestro DJ Useo has once again gathered a bumper harvest of summer-based tunes from the likes of Solcofn, Chocomang, ToTom, DJ Zebra, mARKYbOY, rillen rudi, The Reborn Identity, Voicedude and many more. I'm on there too!

Revere the Ride

The Calling - Flowing Time
Ludovico Einaudi - Reverie
Morcheeba - Enjoy the Ride
and various summery samples

available for download exclusively on the 3-disc album at

You can preview the track here

Time to grab a dandelion and burdock, kick back and chill in the sun

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Every Rose Needs Salvation

Time for me to head back to my beloved mash-step with a classic sing-a-along...

Every Rose Needs Salvation

Poison - Every Rose Has It's Thorn
Apotheist - Salvation

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Fissunix & Colatron - Moonlight Sonata Mashed

Here's a rare treat for you all!

It's not often that I get involved in collaborations - I enjoy the idea, but in practice it can be quite challenging to organise and keep all those different ideas in check and as one cohesive track, especially when communicating around the globe with all those talented producers.

However, on receiving a request from top French masher Fissunix to contribute to his new idea for a Beethoven-based mash, I just couldn't say no. Especially since he's in my top 5 producers of the moment... :)

So, here it is - the result of our combined efforts (though in truth, my part is small!)....

Moonlight Sonata Mashed

The Wrestler (movie dialogue)
Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata (Sterling Barnes remix)
Phoenix - Everything is Everything
Radiohead - Nude

MP3 Direct Download

MP3+Cover Art (RAR)

And of course, please do go and check out all of the other tracks from Fissunix (he really is one of the best!) at his website