Caning the instrumentals and acapellas this last week, I've been listening to loads of Nelly Furtado. The new style and image is incredible, and as most people know, she is my ideal Smartie's Angel, so I've been dying to use something of hers.
Also, I've just recently dowloaded the fabulous Bost & Bim mixtape (read about it and follow the link to download here, over at GYBO which takes songs you wouldn't expect to hear in a reggae style and applies a "Riddim", in many cases completely changing the feel of the vocal. So I went on the search for riddims.
What I came up with is this. I tried to keep the Timbaland and Timberlake vocals in there at first, but had real timing issues, so in the end I scrapped them and tried some raps out instead. I finally settled on Pharoahe Monch (much inspired by my lovely friend Angel aka Jaime Summerz - check her out if you can find her on MySpace - she's gonna be huge, the little cutie she is...). Still a few timing issues on there, maybe, but the overall effect works for me. See what you think.
Simon Says Give! (Bollywood Riddim)
Nelly Furtado vs. Pharoahe Monch
(Give It To Me vs. Simon Says)

MP3 Here:
This one is a grower mate. I was'nt sure about it at first, but after 3 listens - I really like it. Now on the play list my friend.
I love the art work as well - pretty cool.
Cheers Scott - yeah, I gotta hold my hands up, I wasn't too sure myself, and was really struggling to get the timing on it right, but I think as you say, it takes a few listens to get it.
I was determined to get something out though as it's been weeks since I produced anything!
It's ironic as the artwork I usually bang out in 5 mins. on Photoshop, dead easy, but the tracks cause me no end of grief!
Thanks for listening thoguh mate.
All the best,
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