Hey all - just a couple of words to let you know whats going on in the crazy world of Colatron at the moment.
There won't be a new track on line for at least another week or two, as I'm currently working on a (not-so) top secret project that some of you will know about. All I'll say is it's inspired by the old boys of Radio Luxembourg and it's coming hopefully to the 'air'waves near you soon (if I can stop watching bloody movies on TV and getting blind drunk at concerts, that is! Saying that, I've just watched Blade Trinity again on TV and my god, the put-down that Ryan Reynolds gives HHH toward the end of the movie will have me chuckling for weeks to come. Why someone can't use it in a promo on Monday Night Raw I'll never know....).
The most exciting news I've had in years though came through t'interweb today, regards the mash you'll find directly below here - American Finale. It's gone down particularly well with the boys from Pimp My Tune, with talk of it being played over the summer at the fantastic sounding nights they have coming up (I WILL attend at least one of them - I'm think H20 in London!), and dream of dreams, the incredibly talented VJ DANO went and made a little video for it!!
When making the track, I really wanted to see a video mash for it and could envision it perfectly, but not having the software, I couldn't do anything. Never one to be cheeky, I didn't appeal to the various VJs out there on the scene either, so imagine my surprise when I found an update on GYBO that DANO had made one. Seriously, it's one smooth piece of work, and I think it actually makes my mash sound better than I believe it to be! So VJ DANO, I owe ya one big time my friend.
Do watch the video below and be sure to check out DJ VANO's other works at his Youtube Channel
and support him and all the guys over at
I'll be back after these commercials....
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