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Friday, 1 February 2008

Edwards' Theme

A funny old week in the world of Colatron online. Always one for searching for myself or other Colatrons around the world via Google, I came across a couple of interesting posts.

First up was over at a site I hadn't heard of before but I love the concept. Mixphoria. Basically, a battle of the tracks, 2 mash-ups go head to head and the winner decided by visitor vote. My Inna Raya Furtada track was chosen to go up ahead the awesome DJ Earworm. Of course, I lost but it's the taking part that counts. Many thanks to the guys at Mixphoria for including me. Give them support and take in some great tracks over at

Next up was Culture Bully's top 15 mash-ups of 2007. Again, I didn't make the grade but a very kind soul named Hattie queried why me good mate Bobby Martini, and myself hadn't made the cut. Yay! I have a fan! Unfortunately, Culture Bully doesn't appear to know who I am, but hey, I'm working on getting my name out there so who knows, maybe this year I can win someone over and make the top lists at the end of '08. And Hattie, thanks for the support - by all means, leave me a comment or send me a message. Nice to hear from my fan(s?).

Right - here's the next track of '08, and my first exclusive of the year for Scott over at Ramdomthoughts.

I've basically been having a go at mashing the legendary Miami Vice theme since I got a PC early last year. For such a deceptively simple track, its amazing how hard it is to get anything to go with it. Many projects have fallen by the wayside. Then recently, I came across an awesome torrent, kindly posted by the amazing DJ M.i.F. featuring 80 or so motown acapellas. I've been fiddling with them for the last month or so, and amazingly, one of my favourite 80s tracks, "Don't Look Any Further" actually seemed to fit perfectly. Or so I thought.

I generally, when making a track, can tell from the first 4 or 8 bars if it's worth pursuing. This one seemed to be a winner, Dennis' vocals instantly catching my ear against Jan Hammer's synth. I was excited. However, the timing on the vocal seemed a little out, and sparse. It took me a good couple of nights to snip the vocal parts, map the various tempos, and then flesh it out by re-arranging various backing vocals. The track was finished and I loved the moody, soundtrack-vibe kick up the eighties feel I'd achieved. But one thing bugged me. Was it in key?

Dennis seems to hit the spot consistently, but Seidah seems to go all over the place hitting those powerful high notes. Multiple playbacks didn't help as sometimes it seemed to fit, but other times was distracting. I sought advice from Bobby M, who amazingly, had actually had an attempt at the same track approx. 6 months before (great minds and all that - lol) and having made pretty much the same track gave up on it trying to get Seidah consistently in tune. Me? I have no such morals and will do anything to get a post online! Hehe.

I did do a little pitch correction in Audition which helped slightly take the sharpness off it, but I'm still not 100% behind her - maybe 98% at best. As with Bobby, I don't thnk its possible to get her completely on key. But I don't care. The idea is too potent to not use, and I love the track anyway - for me the clashing gives it a bit of tension, adding to the moody hot summer night vibe of the track. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Hattie - this one's for you.

Edwards' Theme

Jan Hammer vs. Dennis Edwards & Seidah Garret
Crockett's Theme vs. Don't Look Any Further

Download Page Here:

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