So to that end, I searched for a few tracks to utilise last night and came up with a couple of great 'pellas that are screaming for attention, the first of which resulted in this.
An absolute classic song (probably in my top 10), in instrumental form with snippets of the vocals floating in and out, with a real cool Brit-style rap over the top. Chilled yet aggressive. Perfect for 'getting down tonight' - heheh.
As a brief digression, I am chuffed beyond belief to mention that my 'Six Day War (I've Got Something to Say mix)' track found it's way on to Random Thoughts podcast this week, and Scott gave me some fantastic praise. I feel somewhat guilty because as mentioned a couple of times before, I've only been doing this for 2 months at most, and people have been doing it for years and are much better technically and artistically than me, and here I am getting some exposure! Still, I'm not going to complain and it really made my day to hear it being played elsewhere. Check out the show and indeed, all of Scott's excellently made shows over at his page (his choice in tracks, mine aside, is sterling!) - I'm on show #56.
Anyhow, on with the it is for you all
Good Girl Turned Sexual
The Herbaliser (feat. Wildflower) vs. Marvin Gaye
(Good Girl Gone Bad vs. Sexual Healing)

MP3 Here:
Love it - you are on a role my friend. Needless to say, it's now on the playlist. Thank you so much for adverting my podcast show in your last post - much appreciated. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to more of your master pieces. I'm subscribed to your blog's RSS feed, so I'll always know when you post anything to your blog.
Bye for now.
Cheers Scott! As long as you keep listening to them, and I keep finding 'pellas and instrumentals, I'll keep chugging 'em out for you!
Glad you enjoy them :)
Thanks for all your support,
All the best, Andy
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